Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Labor Day Sunday Sept 6, 2009

The Scot is Coming To My House
The days are counting down. I am still excited though wondering where the reservations are that I sorta assumed would come. Red is great guy and puts on a good show... Space is limited so hope you all give me a holler pretty soon.

Trying sweeten the pot abit. Come early and bring a dish of something and we can have a pot luck
Bar-B-Q. Just let me know what your bringing. I will provide the meat... The best time to have a picnic... Monday is Labor Day so you don't have to rush home. Oh yeah you can bring your own beverage of choice. But please drink responsibly. I don't want neighbors calling to complain or cops to come visiting.

The Gilmer and Moore concert went very well. Would have enjoyed seeing a few more chairs filled but over all it was a good day. Food was just about all gone.

Putting in some photos this time
Spice things up a bit. LOL!

If you want to know more about Red's show just email me
jehret@hot.rr.com or give me a call: 254-526-7697
I am usually home, and if not just leave a message.
The concert will start at 7 pm, if we have the Bar B Q come on over about 3 pm, suggested donation for the show is $15.00
If you to play bring your instrument along and jam a bit with Red after the show.
Hope to hear from you soon. Have a good month and sure hope it cools down to comfortable pretty soon. Cheers Jolene

Friday, July 3, 2009


Greetings To All
Well it seems that this summer is going to be a pleasant one for my friends and myself.
I was recently in touch with Jeff Moore and he and Heather Gilmer have scheduled a house concert at my house. Here are the particulars

Sun, Jul 26 3pm

House Concert

Killeen, TX

Admission: $10 (children under 12 free)

For reservations and more information contact:

Jolene Ehret 254-526-7697 or

email: jehret@hot.rr.com

with Heather Gilmer


I hope that you will join me. I have known them both for a number of years and they are nice people and they are both extremely talented. I enjoy Irish Traditional Music more than any other and it is my aim to share that enjoyment with others. When I worked at a used bookstore I used to play my favorite CD's and more than once I watched customers as they were browsing through the books and while a foot was gently tapping to the beat of that lovely music.

Children also love the music, my granddaughter used to put on her dance clothes and just dance around my great room. I have a little movie of that and I love to watch it.. I have watched Jeff patiently explaining to a boy about the Bodhran, and there are some young girls who are hoping that some day they can play the fiddle like Heather.

This will be a pleasant Sunday afternoon gathering. Please join me.. Cheers!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

House Concert Red McWilliams


Well one thing a person should do when writing a blog is to make sure one has all the facts and the correct information... So if one is having a house concert one should make sure one has the Performer's name right.

So here is my correction: His name is NOT Red McKinley but RED MCWILLIAMS!! Was I thinking of Mt. McKinley? Who knows? Do I get confused in my old age? Well, yes I probably do...

Anyway now that I have that out of the way I can get on with the rest of the information.

The date of this memorable (I hope) event is Sunday, Sept 6, 2009. Showtime is 7 pm, the place is Jolene

Ehret's home in Killeen, Texas. Suggested donation for Red's expenses is $15 per person. (He flies in from Wash. state to perform in Texas.)

I will furnish non-alcoholic beverages, and some snacks. You are welcome to bring your beverage of choice.

If anyone wants to come early we could do up some barbeque. I would do some burgers, brots and dogs if the guests would consent to bring some potluck dishes (tater salad, beans, coleslaw, dessert)... Let me know what you would like to do... It is Labor Day Weekend so perfect for this.. and I am flexible.

There is no-smoking in the house, but have a nice big backyard where you can smoke. (legal stuff). I have a cat and a dog, so hope no one is allergic. The cat make herself scarce, and the dog may have to be shut up in the bedroom as she might want to sing along with Red.

Bring your own chairs or pillows to sit on. I have a few but not enough for everyone that I hope will come.

Parking on my street might be a problem but it will be Sunday evening so I think it will be okay if some of you park at the elementary school parking lot, just across the street from my house.

I surely hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to see Red in this comfortable, relaxed setting. Red would love it if some musicians would come and bring their instruments so you'all can have a session after the show.

I am certainly looking forward to this event and hope to see some old friends I haven't seen in awhile. Please let me know soon if you plan to come. I have a nice back room for that is great for this show, but space is limited. Contact me at jehret@hot.rr.com until next time. Stay tuned Here is Red's website. Check it out:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Here come the Celts - Look out Killeen

Yes we are having an event here in Killeen Texas.
On Sunday, Sept 6, 2009 I am hosting a house concert. Scottish singer Red McKinley will be here to put on a show in my family room. I am nervous and excited and sure hope we get a few folks to come enjoy the music.

Red puts on a good show, has some great songs. Wonderful scottish ballads, and some rousing bawdy tunes as well. Here is his website: http://home.flash.net/~celtsong/

I first met Red when I was involved with Austin Celtic Association and he lived in Austin for awhile. My favorite show was when he did a show with the Tudor Tarts at Opal Divine's on 6th Street. I never laughed so hard that evening. Anyway he moved on and now he lives in Washington state. I am tickled pink that he is coming down to Texas to perform at my house, and several others as well.

House concerts are a very comfortable and casual venue. The audience is limited to 20 or so people. Folks bring their own chairs or pillows and beverage of choice. The host or in my case the hostess usually provides some beverages and snacks or other edible items. I am considering doing a barbeque since it is a holiday weekend. If those who are coming will consider doing it pot luck, I will cook the meat. Maybe a brisket, and some dogs, burgers... We will see how it works out. It would be fun I think.

There is alot of information about house concerts on the internet, and I also received helpful suggestions from folks on the Irish and Celtic Trad Yahoo groups that I moderate.

So if any of you Scottish music lovers, Red McKinley, or celtic music fans are within driving distance come on down to Killeen... BUT--- email me first so I can give you the rest of the information you need to know. You can reply to me at here or at: jokehret@gmail.com.

This is a nice safe pleasant way to spend a Labor Day Sunday afternoon and evening.

Hope to see you in September... Cheers Jolene